Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our First Outing in Los Angeles

While Anthony was traveling back east, Vinny and I embarked on a few adventures during our first week in California. Fieldtrip #1 was to the Los Angeles Zoo. We had a great time and Vinny was really well behaved, staying in his stroller the whole time...almost. He enjoyed munching on popcorn while watching all the animals, the giraffes being his favorite!
The giraffe exhibit was fun, and we got to see them up close. One startled Vinny a bit when she got a little to close for comfort. Talk about eye contact!
The LA Zoo boasts a 6 acre elephant habitat, so one would think we'd see a bunch of elephants. But no. Not this time. After backtracking through the orangutans, we were able to watch one lone elephant. By this point it was getting pretty hot...not Phoenix hot, but hot none the less.
So we sought shelter under the monkey habitat. We could hear them a mile away, and as you can see in the photo below, Vinny was a bit hesitant about these noisy monkeys.
Hi hippo.
Bye zoo! The best part of this fieldtrip, and everywhere we visit these days actually, is that Vinny greets each animal or object with a HI ____! And leaves with BYE _____, See you Later! Sometimes he even reassures them I'll be back. I tried to get a picture of him with the flamingoes on our way out, but that was a no go. But what cracked me up is that Vinny kept instructing them to say cheese!

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