Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter 2011!

After helping Mommo color "eather ayths" the day before, Vinny was a pro at it. Needless to say, we needed a lot of soap in the bathtub this night. By the way, all eggs, cooked all ways, are now known as Easter Eggs. Kinda cute.
Check Out what the Easter Bunny Brought!
Gramma and Papa sent a special package from Connecticut, and Vinny was intrigued by the plastic grass. We, on the other hand, were annoyed by it, as I imagine most parents are. you can see him above confused that his little cheesy crackers looked like bunnies instead of fishies. Gramma finds the cutest things!
Ooooooh! Bubbles! While Mommy and Daddy were so exited that the Easter Bunny brought Vinny a bubble gun that could potentially save us from passing out from blowing our hot air, we made a note to the Bunny to spend a little more money on the next one, as the cheapy didn't make it till the end of the day.
More loot from Gramma and Papa! Here he is clapping with excitement!
And here he is posing with his trademark cheese face...
Off to Hunt for Easter Eggs!
He counts, but every number is "twooo," and after each deposit into the basket, he signed "more."

Sometimes Pictures Speak Louder Than Words...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Popsicles and Lizard Hunting

"Cheeeeeeeesth" is what you will hear if you take out a camera in front of Vinny-but you better take the picture fast, because he won't pose for very long!The weather this spring was so mild that we could take advantage of sitting out on the patio at night and just relax...something that doesn't happen very often when you have a toddler. Here is Vinny enjoying his very first popsicle of the summer. Later he would play in his water table and dig in the sand a bit.
Before long, the lizards would join the party and Vinny was on the hunt to spy them. He would call "yizah, where are de?" And then he would hold his finger to his lip and "soosh" much like he does when we read about the little old lady in Goodnight Moon, as not to disturb his little desert friends. You can see the little guy on the wall down in the right hand corner of the picture below.

He's Got the Cutest Little Baby Face: First 2 Months

Vincent's First Few Days at Home

Vincent Joseph is Born

Murphy and Lucy