It was almost a year ago when Murphy let us know it was her time. We were sad. Lucy never recovered. She missed her friend, more than any of us could understand. She suffered from tremendous anxiety, which ended up causing tremendous damage to our home. In the past year, Lucy's loneliness and panic attacks when left all by herself got the best of us...and two dog crates...and a locking baby gate...and our carpet...and our doors...and our door knobs...and anything left on a counter...
We knew the best thing for Lucy was a new home, with constant company. Through a rescue organization,we were able to find a wonderful family in Camp Verde with two other dogs, a cat, and a horse! It was hard to say good-bye, but knew immediately that it was the right decision.
We miss having a dog. The house is so quiet. And clean. I guess that's one advantage, but one I'd rather not have. Not to mention, I have to sweep up crumbs much too often for my liking. I never had to worry about stepping on dried up peas and Cheerios when there was a four legged friend to scarf them up.
But our hearts have been lightened by a couple of emails from Lucy's foster family. I had to post them here so I would always remember that Lucy is finally content.
Hi Anthony- Lucy did great on the trip up- she loved to sniff out the window and then she laid down on her bed. She has adapted to Stacy's house already- she has learned the dog door and refuses to eat her food- she only wants the food that Stacy feeds her dogs- it is so cute- she has quite an appitite! Lucy is running and playing with Bean (her choc lab) they have become good buds already- he plays keep away and she gives chase. She is not on her anti-depressant meds at this time until we see how well she will adjust. She is still on the other stuff that you included in her bag- they all have enjoyed the treats as well :)
So it is great news so far! Please feel free to keep in touch w/ us- Thanks- Amy
and a few days later we received this one...
Hi Anthony- Lucy is doing SOO good in her foster home- she fit in right away- it appears that it is her "home away from home". I'm not exagerating- she and Stacy's other 2 dogs were found all 3 sleeping on one of Lucy's dog beds in their bdroom -Stacy called to tell me how cute they all were- she has a VERY healthy appitite- tries to boss Bean (their big choc male lab) around - Maple, their blue-tick hound is still alpha and Lucy respects that. Stacy's 10yr old twin boys just love her- they play w/them in the yard. Lucy barks at me every morning when I go to work- her tail is up and wagging! They are in love w/ her!
She has not tried escaping and loves her treats :) No anti-depression meds have been given at all and she is putting on weight.
I want you to feel comfortable that she is in a great home-I'll get pics this next wk- and forward them to you as well. I know you and the family are concerned for her but rest assured she is happy and very well taken care of. She seems to be healing emotionally with all of the attention and love she is receiving from them and their 2 dogs. Stacy's only complaint is that she barks alot- but they are working on that :)
You did a wonderful thing for her by putting her needs first and finding a resuce to take her- she is thrieving up here :)
Please feel free to keep updated on her- email or call me anytime you want :)
Happy wkend :) Amy
Amy Darwin, Grant Administrator
Golden Bone Rescue & Rehab, VP (928)-567-8994
“My furs are not in storage, nor lying on the bed, they're dancing 'round my feet, waiting to be fed”. F. Paiva
“My furs are not in storage, nor lying on the bed, they're dancing 'round my feet, waiting to be fed”. F. Paiva
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