Here's Vincent lounging by the pool at Wild Horse Pass during a visit from the Farr's:

Vincent doesn't really love the feel of the prickly grass on his knees, so he travels on hands and feet. Here he is in the little park by Mommo and Boppo's house on Mother's Day.

It was recommended that we leave the car seat rear facing for another year, but it's just too darned hot in the back seat. Vinny was miserable. Ever since we turned it around, he's much more comfortable, but with so much to see now, car naps are few and far between. Here he is on our way home from Mommo and Boppo's, all ready for night night.

These are just a couple cute shots. This month Vinny finally figured out how to hold his own bottle! And just when we are supposed to be weening him off of it! Oh well, we do try to encourage a sippy cup as much as possible, but with my paranoia of dehydration, I do what I can to make sure he drinks as much as possible throughout the day, and if that means from a bottle, that's fine with me. As long as I'm not packing one for his first day of Kindergarten, I think he'll eventually grow out of it...I hope!
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