Monday, May 31, 2010

A Big Day for the Mandrolas! Vincent Walks!

14 months, 5 days. That's how long it took for Vincent to walk. He was in an exceptionally good mood on the morning of Memorial Day, so we thought we'd practice. He took a step, then two, and fell. We took a break, and then just on a whim, I let go. He sailed clear across his bedroom! We wasted no time getting on Skype to share the big event with anyone with a green light on! It was so great! Before we knew it, Vincent was cruising all over the house-back and forth across the living room, into the kitchen, and down the hallway. He giggled the whole time! Here are the pictures I snapped along the way. You can see my mom, dad, Uncle Tommy, and Gram on the laptop watching, too. Thanks to Skype and Facebook, and now this blog, we were able to share this big day with all our family and friends. My how technology is keeping us all connected!

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