Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our First California Theme Park!

My friend and teaching partner Ana came to visit last weekend with her daughter, Gabriella, or "Gah-i-ella" as Vinny calls her. We set sail for a longer than expected drive to Carlsbad, outside of San Diego. IT took us nearly 3 hours, but it was worth it. Legoland was perfect for Vinny, and he could go on almost all the rides...at least all the ones we had time for.

Our first ride was the Safari ride, and while it was much anticipated, it was a let down. 45 minutes of waiting, 30 seconds of riding. Boo.
But check out that Lego giraffe! And there he is waiting patiently for his very first amusement park ride!
He wasted no time driving the jeep. Good thing, too, because the ride was short!
Here we are at the frog pond, trying to shoot water into the crocodile's mouth.
I turned around to see him copying the crocodiles...too cute.
OK, this is brilliant. Every ride had Lego stations to occupy the kiddos while waiting in the long lines! So Ana and Gabriella held our places in line while we built some towers.
There go Ana and Gabriella, pedal powering their way around the track. Cute little car, right?
It occurred to me this was Vinny's first roller coaster! Sorta...
About to go down an ever so slight hill...must put our arms up...Wheeeeee!
This was a really cute ride, worth the wait.
We can't escape Arizona!
Waiting for the airplane ride. Does this kid ever give up his snack trap???
Little boat ride.
My self portrait skills are not good.
We tricked Vinny into going on the pirate ship ride. He wasn't thrilled about it at the time, but it was the first thing he recapped to Anthony the next morning. He no sooner woke up than he said "piree ship Daddy."
While Gabriella and Ana went on the log flume ride, I thought I'd take Vinny to another kiddy ride, but he was sidetracked by the splash pad. This surprised me because normally he wants nothing to do with sprinklers. But not today! He ran around this thing for 45 minutes. Little did I know that Vinny was the star attraction...a family walking by with smiles ear to ear had been watching Vinny and commented that they enjoyed watching him giggle his way through the fountains. The dad was laughing, saying he would have run out of room on his camera taking pictures if he were me! Everyone thinks their kid is cute, so when a complete stranger compliments your kid, it feels good.

After a change into warm clothes, off we were to take in the last of the attractions before the park closed. Legoland was amazing. So much to do. We didn't see everything, so we will just have to go back. Oh darn.
Vinny loved chumming around around with Gabriella, and I wish the picture above captures them running together through the enchanted forest.
We zoomed through MiniLand, trying to take in as many of the Lego landmarks as we could before it got too dark. Here it looks as through Vinny is pointing out the castle (Excaliber in Las Vegas), one of his new favorite words, but actually his is pointing up to a helicopter flying overhead.
Miniland had all kinds of scenes displayed, including a New England village. Here is what I can only assume is a train station in New Haven??
Though long, the park was well worth the drive. And really, it's not horrible that we didn't get everything in, since Anthony wasn't able to come along with us. Next time!

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