Wednesday, August 31, 2011
"Look Mommy, I Color!"
Such a peaceful morning. Cleaned up the breakfast dishes uninterrupted. Took a shower uninterrupted. Did my hair, and might have even been able to put on some make-up, all uninterrupted. Shouldn't it have occurred to me that it was WAY too quiet in the house? I mean, seriously! I should have known he was up to no good. But who could be mad at a face like this?

Worth noting, no red marker made it on the walls or floor, though it did find its way through his shirt and into his belly button. Oh my goodness, he was so proud of himself.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Early Morning at the Zoo
The LA Zoo opens its gates early only 4 times a year, and we didn't want to miss out on the morning feedings today. Our first stop was the gorilla exhibit, and they did not disappoint. I've taken Vinny a couple times now and we have never been able to see the gorillas this active or up close.
Back to Arizona!
Last week we drove back to visit Anthony's parents (though this trip was really prompted by Anthony's fantasy football draft). We got in late Thursday night, and Vinny handled the car ride like a champ. A sleepy champ, given we left after work Thursday night, but a champ none-the-less. And of course he was wound for sound once we arrived and got out of the car. So what does a grandfather do with his littlest grandson at 1:30 in the morning? Why, eat doughnuts and mee-mee' (m&m's), of course!
It didn't take us long to forget about how hot it is in Arizona. We sure do miss our family, but not the temps! Nothing beats the heat like Mommo and Boppo's pool!
Now if this doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will. What a lucky boy, to be adored by his cousins as much as Vinny is.
James, someone's got his eye on your dessert...mmm, ice cream!
Day to Day
Here's Vinny enjoying a cookie after being a good boy at a local restaurant. This just makes me laugh.
Running Around the Americana
There is a huge outdoor mall down the street from Anthony's office called the Americana. It's much like Kierland Commons in Scottsdale, with restaurants, stores, a movie theatre, and a huge grassy area. The fountain in the middle is real pretty, so we stopped to see the little water show after seeing the Smurfs movie.
Rooster, the Chicken
We've tried reasoning with Vinny, but he insists our neighborhood friend is a "roothar." Who are we to argue, though it really is a hen, confirmed by neighbors. So, we have agreed to disagree, and though the neighbors don't know it, we have named their chicken Rooster.
At the Carwash, Workin' at the Carwash, Yeah!
Our Aspiring Arteest
Vinny and I joined my MOMS group for a play date at the local pottery painting shop in Old Town a few weeks back. While all the other boys went crazy for the sharks, Vinny chose the "ladyBUG" with heavy emphasis on the BUG. I wish he talked when I had the video camera on...I just don't ever want to forget how darned adorable it is to listen to him put new words together. Anyway, thanks to his love of the movie "A Bug's Life" or just "Bugs" in our house, the ladybug caught his eye on the table. Though he insisted he wanted to paint a "bwoo ladybug." So off he went.
Step One: Paint the whole ladybug blue.
After a few finishing touches courtesy of the shopkeeper and some dry time, we went back later that evening to pick up the final product. Vinny is so proud of his ladybug, and I am, too. It's a keeper!
Since back to school is happening all around us, Vinny and I have taken to doing some arts and crafts at home, too. He loves to color, and gets especially excited to paint. We've done finger painting, water colors, and regular old poster paints. He is very careful about not mixing the brushes and I was surprised to see him remember which cup was which. He'd rather mix the colors on the paper, that's all. It was an interesting conversation I had with him about why, when he put the yellow brush back into the yellow cup, it wasn't yellow anymore.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Twas the Night Before the First Day of School
Forgive me, but this is for me. For the first time in 13 years, my stomach is not in knots, my head isn't filled with student checklists, my dreams aren't of crazy classroom nightmares, my lesson plan book is empty. Tomorrow marks the first day of school for my teacher buddies in Arizona. They've spent the last week in meetings and the last month at least meticulously measuring bulletin boards and arranging little desks. Every pencil is perfectly sharp and bins of table supplies are perfectly stocked. The library corner and teacher desk are perfectly organized. The whiteboard is perfectly white and the books are perfectly stacked. It is my favorite time of year, everything is perfectly, well, perfect...and then the kids come and mess it all up!
So even though I was able to be home part time these last two years, and even though I've had the summer to soak it all in, it hasn't been until today that I feel like an official stay at home mom. I'm not going to be welcoming 30 kiddos into my classroom tomorrow, and part of me is incredibly sad about that. Another part of me is incredibly relieved about that, too. I'm thinking that maybe a break from the classroom might be a good thing. I need to find something, but for now I am going to soak in the idea that I have an opportunity to be an official stay at home mommy, even if for a little while.
But maybe Vinny and I will play school tomorrow...take a look, he's already self motivated for independent reading time! We caught him this morning like this, and he was so engrossed in his book, he didn't even notice me snapping a picture!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Just Another Day
Our First California Theme Park!
Our first ride was the Safari ride, and while it was much anticipated, it was a let down. 45 minutes of waiting, 30 seconds of riding. Boo.
But check out that Lego giraffe! And there he is waiting patiently for his very first amusement park ride!
He wasted no time driving the jeep. Good thing, too, because the ride was short!

Here we are at the frog pond, trying to shoot water into the crocodile's mouth.

I turned around to see him copying the crocodiles...too cute.
OK, this is brilliant. Every ride had Lego stations to occupy the kiddos while waiting in the long lines! So Ana and Gabriella held our places in line while we built some towers.

There go Ana and Gabriella, pedal powering their way around the track. Cute little car, right?
It occurred to me this was Vinny's first roller coaster! Sorta...

About to go down an ever so slight hill...must put our arms up...Wheeeeee!

This was a really cute ride, worth the wait.
We can't escape Arizona!
Waiting for the airplane ride. Does this kid ever give up his snack trap???

Little boat ride.
My self portrait skills are not good.
We tricked Vinny into going on the pirate ship ride. He wasn't thrilled about it at the time, but it was the first thing he recapped to Anthony the next morning. He no sooner woke up than he said "piree ship Daddy."
While Gabriella and Ana went on the log flume ride, I thought I'd take Vinny to another kiddy ride, but he was sidetracked by the splash pad. This surprised me because normally he wants nothing to do with sprinklers. But not today! He ran around this thing for 45 minutes. Little did I know that Vinny was the star attraction...a family walking by with smiles ear to ear had been watching Vinny and commented that they enjoyed watching him giggle his way through the fountains. The dad was laughing, saying he would have run out of room on his camera taking pictures if he were me! Everyone thinks their kid is cute, so when a complete stranger compliments your kid, it feels good.

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