Phoenix Suns Day On the Court
Anthony had the opportunity to go play basketball with his Cigna co workers in the US Airways Arena today. So off we went to watch Daddy and Uncle Tom dominate the court. There wasn't much basketball watching though...Vinny ran around the court and up and down the steps for one hour straight!

A quick pause to cheer for Daddy...

Time out for a quick snack...This by the way was Cigna's cheering section.

Daddy, Vinny, and Uncle Tom.

Mr. Brian helped Vinny shoot some free throws.

After the game, Vinny ran around the court non-stop. This was as close as I could get to a still shot.

Yeah right Ma, you want me to stand still here on center court? No way!

We tried luring him with a ball...geesh, this kid is quick!

This is how Vinny passed much of his time...running around the rows, setting all the seats down. I'm sure US Airways staff appreciated this bit of helpfulness.

Playing ball with his pals Ben and Hannah.

Finally, Anthony was able to wrangle Vinny for a super cute picture!

Not 10 minutes into our ride home...

Mommy's Little Leprechaun

Still squirrelly, I remember how much smaller Vinny was when I took his picture in this chair last year!

After a long day, it's time to put away the camera before we melt down! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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