Here are a bunch of pictures from my mom's recent visit to Arizona. My dad stayed home, and I'm not sure they will ever travel separately again (kinda sweet actually). Vinny loved having Gramma in our living room "in person," though it took a few minutes to register that Gramma was indeed real, and not just a talking face in the computer screen, like on Skype. He couldn't take his eyes off her in the car on the way home from the airport.
Oh my goodness, was this place amazing! Vincent has a ball playing in all the various rooms for the little guys. Here he is digging though a table full of dried peas.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? It's like Anthony's very own mini-me. They even stand alike!
Vinny smells flowers by blowing on them. It's so sweet. I'm still working on getting him to blow kisses, but I think we are close.I swear, Vinny wears more than just a red polo shirt...and the one below is actually orange! The first thing we did at the farm was visit the petting zoo.

Last year we had to prop Vinny up with hay and pumpkins to capture a shot like the one below. He no longer sits like a sack of potatoes, that's for sure. It was so hot on this day, and the sun was brutal. He wanted nothing to do with posing. Can't really blame him.

Corn Maze!

Hmmm, wonder what's around the corner?
Come on Daddy, follow me!
Vinny was such a trooper...but by the end, Vinny was spent and needed a rescue. He's super cuddly these days and loves to give really good hugs. We never wish for him to feel under the weather (and he was with all his eye teeth coming in), but the snuggles are really good for the soul.

Picking Out the Perfect Pumpkin!
Took Gramma to the Zoo
The giraffes are that way Gramma.
Vinny loves to ride the train.
Gramma and I couldn't resist putting Vinny on the mini merry go round in the mall. Meanwhile Gramma did some damage and did her best to fill Vinny's pajama drawer and closet with some new outfits for the cooler weather.
My mom departed on her birthday, but we wanted to celebrate with a yummy coconut creme cake (a recipe I have been itching to have an excuse to make for a while now) the night before she left. So upon taking the pans out of the cabinet, we found that we had one uninvited guest...a rather gigantic wolf spider!
Once the creepy crawly was taken care of, I went to work. The seven minute icing was so fun to make, and even more fun to frost the cake with. It looked so pretty even without the toasted coconut we threw all over.
And here is the finished product, along with birthday girl, who is channeling her inner 35 year old. Candles were inadvertently left off the shopping list, therefore we had to make do with some leftovers in the junk drawer.
Vinny loved the pillowy frosting.

We tried to get an "awake" shot...that was the best we could do. Love you mom. I am so proud of you for boarding a plane and coming all the way out here to visit Vinny. He loved playing, reading, building, and rocking with you. I loved having you here, too. Thank you for coming, we can't wait to see you for Christmas!

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