Well, Vincent is 2 months old! We took him for his check up yesterday. He screamed briefly when he got his shots, but was quickly soothed when Ant picked him up as is his nature. He now weighs 12.4 pounds (63%) and is 24 3/4 inches (93%) long. He's wearing a size 3-6 months because he's so tall!
As you can see, he is smiling more and more every day. Last weekend in fact, he smiled right at me! And today, he smiled at Anthony. What a feeling! Vincent loves the weekends because Daddy is home! Anthony really looks forward to the weekends, too. Mondays are really hard for him. But he has been able to work out a new work schedule and so he works from home on Fridays. Even though he's busy on the computer and phone calls for most of the day, it's nice for him to sneak in a couple extra breaks for hugs and kisses.
I love being home with Vince. He has pretty much worked himself into his own schedule and loves to play right after he eats. He spends lots of time right in my lap and is beginning to show more interest in the graphic pictures in the books I read to him. Some of our favorites right now are Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, What Does Baby See, and Tomie's Little Mother Goose. Then it's down on the blanket to wiggle and squirm. Vince has no interest in toys right now, rather he'd prefer to take in all the colors, lights, and shadows around the room. He loves to look out the window, there's something about the way the bright light shines through the blinds in the living room that just fascinates him. If there's one thing this kid gets plenty of, it's oral language. Hey, I need someone to talk to all day long, right? So when I'm not narrating my day to him, I sing songs. I need to learn some new ones, even I'm getting bored. Still, Bushel and a Peck seems to be the most fun right now.
Here's Vincent on the quilt I made him. See how serious he is? He is ALL boy, and I think he'll be pretty athletic, given how active he is. At least that's what the books say. With the exception of his little ears, crooked toes, and round head, he's all Mandrola, too. He might have my lips, and the more I'm home with him, he'll probably be talking as much as me, too. Sometimes I look at him and I see a little of my brother. I think it's the blue eyes. We're waiting for them to turn brown like ours.
Well, it won't be long now before we're back home for you to meet the little boy in person. We get into town Thursday June 18 and leave Monday June 29. If you are around pop into my parents house for a Father's Day BBQ. We'd love to see you. In the meantime, if you Skype, look us up.
Wow, Ames! He's changed so much even since the last set of pictures! He is so beautiful! I'm glad you're loving mommyhood. I knew you would. Two of Lanie's favorite books were Moo, Bah, La, La, La by Sandra Boynton and Look, Look! by Peter Linenthal. If you are in the market for any new books, I would suggest these. They are small board books, so he can chew on them too :-) Come visit me! I miss you! -Lori