Saturday, May 30, 2009

2 Months!

Well, Vincent is 2 months old!  We took him for his check up yesterday.  He screamed briefly when he got his shots, but was quickly soothed when Ant picked him up as is his nature.  He now weighs 12.4 pounds (63%) and is 24 3/4 inches (93%) long. He's wearing a size 3-6 months because he's so tall!  

As you can see, he is smiling more and more every day.  Last weekend in fact, he smiled right at me!  And today, he smiled at Anthony.  What a feeling!  Vincent loves the weekends because Daddy is home!  Anthony really looks forward to the weekends, too.  Mondays are really hard for him.  But he has been able to work out a new work schedule and so he works from home on Fridays.  Even though he's busy on the computer and phone calls for most of the day, it's nice for him to sneak in a couple extra breaks for hugs and kisses.

I love being home with Vince.  He has pretty much worked himself into his own schedule and loves to play right after he eats.  He spends lots of time right in my lap and is beginning to show more interest in the graphic pictures in the books I read to him.  Some of our favorites right now are Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, What Does Baby See, and Tomie's Little Mother Goose.  Then it's down on the blanket to wiggle and squirm.  Vince has no interest in toys right now, rather he'd prefer to take in all the colors, lights, and shadows around the room.  He loves to look out the window, there's something about the way the bright light shines through the blinds in the living room that just fascinates him.  If there's  one thing this kid gets plenty of, it's oral language.  Hey, I need someone to talk to all day long, right?  So when I'm not narrating my day to him, I sing songs.  I need to learn some new ones, even I'm getting bored.  Still, Bushel and a Peck seems to be the most fun right now.

Tummy Time!  Not a favorite activity, but we give it a try just about every day.  He's so strong.  He's been lifting his head up pretty steady for a while now, and loves to stand up on our lap. This week we put him in a Bumbo chair to help him sit and he loves it.  His head is still a little wobbly, but if he continues on this pace, we have that jumpy thing put together for him sooner than we expected!

Here's Vincent on the quilt I made him.  See how serious he is?  He is ALL boy, and I think he'll be pretty athletic, given how active he is.  At least that's what the books say.  With the exception of his little ears, crooked toes, and round head, he's all Mandrola, too.  He might have my lips, and the more I'm home with him, he'll probably be talking as much as me, too.  Sometimes I look at him and I see a little of my brother.  I think it's the blue eyes.  We're waiting for them to turn brown like ours.

Well, it won't be long now before we're back home for you to meet the little boy in person.  We get into town Thursday June 18 and leave Monday June 29.  If you are around pop into my parents house for a Father's Day BBQ.  We'd love to see you.  In the meantime, if you Skype, look us up.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last Day of School

Last week I stopped into Sunset Hills to say adios to my second graders.  They are such a special group of kiddos, and I am so thankful to have been able to share my pregnancy with them this year.  They were always so well behaved whenever I had to run out of the room early on, and as I grew bigger and bigger, they loved hearing about all the kicks and punches I was receiving to my internal organs.  They were right about our baby being a boy, too.  I will always remember Brad predicting I was having a boy because boys like to kick a lot!

I was also so lucky to have the best long term sub to take care of my kids while I was gone.  I left Brea with quite a mess, and she handled it like a champ.  I had nothing to worry about!  Now she's off to teach summer preschool and finish her own studies.  I look forward to working with her next year when she takes on two more long term positions at Sunset.  Busy girl!  Thanks Brea-you're the BEST! 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My 1st Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was incredibly special.  I woke up at Vince's first little squeak.  He wasn't ready to get up, but I was.  I went downstairs to get his bottle ready (the boy does not like to wait) and found cards and a gift bag waiting for me.  I suspected Anthony would give me a new and beautiful charm for my bracelet, and he did.  It was a tulip with a dangling aquamarine stone, Vince's birthstone.  I couldn't wait to read the cards, and wanted to read them all alone in case I cried.  Good thing, because the waterworks began as soon as I saw the envelope.  It said "Mom."  aaaahhhhh.  What a new feeling.  Someone in this world is going to call me Mommy.

For so many years, I dreaded Mother's Day.  Of course I wanted to celebrate my own mom and Ant's Mom, but it was my own self pity that overwhelmed me.  On top of everything, our Anniversary (10 years!) always falls on this weekend.  Everywhere we'd go, we'd be reminded of everything we wanted and for some reason couldn't have.  It was bittersweet.  But now, oh, now, everything is different, everything is better.  Everything is forgotten...well almost.  In some strange way, I am grateful for all the struggle, all the hurt, and all the waiting.  I believe it makes me a better mom and I don't take a single thing for granted.  My friend Melanie said it best:  God was saving Vincent just for us and waiting for just the right time.  Thank you Mel for finding the words I have been searching for.

Once when Uncle Tommy brought Gram and Papa out for a visit and we took the to the Grand Canyon, Gram looked out over the purple shadows of the sprawling canyon and wondered how anyone could see this and not believe there is a God.  Well, I look at Vincent's sweet face and wonder the same thing.

We spent the day at Mommo's and Boppo's house with Tom, Weez, James, Justin, and Weez's parents, Chris and Lorraine.  I held Vince for about 30 seconds  :)  Actually Vince slept most of the day.  James, 13, is very attentive to his cousin Vinny.  He kept a close eye on him and even fed him!  He's a natural and has us all impressed.  Later that day, we skyped with Babci, which is just the coolest thing ever.  That night I dressed Vince in a onsie that said "best gift ever."  The next day, it was back to normal, just Vincent and me, and it was Mother's Day all over again.

Happy Mother's Day! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Growth Spurt!

Vinny seems to be going through a growth spurt, as you can see!  He's getting so big, and he feels solid.  Six weeks ago, he looked lost in the swing-now look at him!  We noticed that over the last 2 days, he's been eating up to 6 ounces every 3 to 4 hours.  He can't seem to eat enough.  Uh, oh.  He's already begun eating us out of house and home?!  I love these pictures.  Hope you do, too.

OK, I'm not a huge fan of pacifiers, but they do serve a purpose, and Vincent doesn't seem to need it all the time.  Most of the time he spits it out, but it does soothe him while he not so patiently waits for his bottles to warm.  I love this picture because it reminds me of the funny face he makes when he sucks on it.  He looks like a cartoon character when the bink moves up and down a mile a minute.
He's #1
Oh my this kid is adorable.

He's Got the Cutest Little Baby Face: First 2 Months

Vincent's First Few Days at Home

Vincent Joseph is Born

Murphy and Lucy