Vincent has been keeping me busier than ever. It's becoming quite the challenge to keep up with the baby books, the blog, facebook, and overall picture taking. Now that Vinny is so mobile, it's way more fun to play with him than take pictures of him.
Some of his more recent accomplishments include eating everything we put in front of him. He really doesn't turn down much, and I'm hoping his love of peas and broccoli rubs off on his daddy.
We continue to Skype with Gramma, Papa, and Auntie Missy, which is great fun. I couldn't resist this Kodak moment with Boppo. Vinny sat there for quite some time, chatting with Auntie Missy in Virginia. Sitting in laps is becoming a favorite activity, especially when book is involved. Some of Vinny's current favorites include Moo Baa La La La, You're my Lovey Dovey, Dear Zoo, and a lift and flap barn book.
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