Not much makes my Dad smile more than his two grandsons. Now that Blaise is talking more, he is making the rules, and it seems that Grampa just doesn't work for him. He's taken to calling my dad what sounds like Bapa or Papa. So sweet...My dad was in his glory.

This picture makes me laugh so hard. Double chins, goofy grins, blinking eyes...we are a motley crew if ever I saw one. But that what makes this picture so special. We were all together, and i know this was a proud moment for my parents.

Two grandparents, two little boys, two cameras, and hundreds of snapshots later...everyne looking in different directions. But the grins still say it all. Well, except for Vinny...he's about had enough here:


Gramma gave this rocking chair another workout. Good thing for all of us that Vinny loves to snuggle and rock.

It's funny. Before Vinny liked Skyping with my mom on the laptop. He'd smile and laugh, but now...oh my goodness....he just wants to crawl right through the screen to get to Gramma.
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