Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Card Attempts

This was the first year since 2000 that our Christmas Card did not include Murphy. But, it was also the first time that we were able to make the best addition to our Christmas card in 10 years! It was challenging for sure, and much to my surprise, Lucy was so cooperative. I know! Never thought I'd ever be able to say that! Now, Vinny, on the other hand? Whew-he was exhausting! He thought it was the funniest thing ever to try to chase the camera...and then go ring the bell dangling so perfectly at his eye level. You know, I always placed that bell near the bottom of the tree so Murphy's tail would smack it ever so clumsily as she passed by. I believe every angel needs a pair of wings, so I'm just doing my part! So here are a few of my favorites shots from our many took us several days and lots of creative editing:

Vinny, on his way to ring the bell, in his Christmas outfit from Auntie Katie and Uncle Brian.

Vinny's diet: Formula, mushy fruits and veggies, and dog fur. mmmmmmm!
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. Check!

Angel got her wings!

And the Winner Is:

Good Times with Gramma and Grampa

Not much makes my Dad smile more than his two grandsons. Now that Blaise is talking more, he is making the rules, and it seems that Grampa just doesn't work for him. He's taken to calling my dad what sounds like Bapa or Papa. So sweet...My dad was in his glory.
This picture makes me laugh so hard. Double chins, goofy grins, blinking eyes...we are a motley crew if ever I saw one. But that what makes this picture so special. We were all together, and i know this was a proud moment for my parents.
Two grandparents, two little boys, two cameras, and hundreds of snapshots later...everyne looking in different directions. But the grins still say it all. Well, except for Vinny...he's about had enough here:
Gramma gave this rocking chair another workout. Good thing for all of us that Vinny loves to snuggle and rock.
It's funny. Before Vinny liked Skyping with my mom on the laptop. He'd smile and laugh, but now...oh my goodness....he just wants to crawl right through the screen to get to Gramma.


We took a field trip with Gramma and Grandpa to one of my favorite places, the Yankee Candle Factory in Deerfield, Mass. We completely forgot that Santa's Workshop is there, and with Christmas right around the corner, Santa was busy in his office getting ready to deliver presents to all the good little boys and girls. But of course, Santa took some time to visit with the children touring his toyshop. We weren't sure about Vincent's reaction, but in his usual style, Vincent studies Santa before giving up any smiles. Here are some favorite pictures from the trip:

Santa's sleigh was parked in the woodland village

By the end of his visit with Santa, Mom and I were in tears. I just can't believe how lucky we are to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child. The cliche is so true, and I love it!
Santa's Workshop
Santa must be telling Vincent about his reindeer
Grampa, I told you! Santa was right there!

Four Generations!

Babci, Mom, Vincent, and Me
Vincent with his Great Grandparents, Babci and Dziadzui
My Papa is a fairly serious and sober person. But when he holds his great-grandchildren, well you can see how he lights up.
Having fun with Dzaidzui
Magic Touch
Vincent with my Godfather, Uncle Tommy

Vincent's First Formal Event-Uncle Brian and Auntie Katie's Wedding!

This past November 28th, Vincent's Godfather got married! Uncle Brian and Auntie Katie sure do know how to throw a party. Oh my goodness this wedding was amazing, and Vinny had a ball taking in all the sights and sounds. Katie and Brian though of everything-from the tissues in the pews, to the personalized water bottles, to my favorite-the baskets of flip flops in the ladies' room! Here a few pictures from the big night:

Vinny with Daddy
Gramma and Grampa helped entertain Vinny before dinner started
My Date, sitting in a big boy booster seat
The Handsome Groom, with his two adorable Godchildren.
Emma Rose is such a doll!
Auntie Katie was such a beautiful bride! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Claffey!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This was the night before we left for Connecticut. I've had this planned for a while would, too if you had spent the last ten years celebrating holidays in a classroom. You can pretty much turn a child's handprint into just about anything. So it was my turn to make my own kid look silly. We took it on the plane so Vincent could surprise Gramma and Grampa in the airport with it. Boy, did they get a kick out of this.

He's Got the Cutest Little Baby Face: First 2 Months

Vincent's First Few Days at Home

Vincent Joseph is Born

Murphy and Lucy