Vinny helped me roll out and cut fancy heart shaped sugar cookies after nap one day, and then he decorated them all by himself. He was an intensely serious baker, not stopping to pose even once. Although he did say "CHEE" through my snapping away.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Adventures at the Park...and more!
After reflecting about how cold and grey it is back home, how fortunate we are to live in the land of sun and warmth...I'm sure I will be singing a different tune come later this spring when we are packing boxes in triple digit temperatures. So off to the park we go these days. Vinny is so much more, dare I say, athletic, traversing the playscape. He is swift and steady on his feet, and can climb up the steps, some quite steep, all by himself.
While I am thinking of it, I should probably document all of his animal sounds to date:
- moo-moo (he loves to go for walks behind our neighborhood and visit the "moo-moos" through the fence)
- naaaaay
- rahr (lion/bear)
- quah-quah (ducks)
- hawn-hawn (geese)
- baa, just baa
- ruh-ruh, ruh-ruh (dog)
- meew (cat)
- ssssssssss (snake, duh)
- swee swee (mouse)
- twee-twee (bird)
- he does a pretty adorable elephant that I couldn't even begin to reproduce in letters...but it involves a high pitched blowing squeal with his fist curled up to his nose.
Vinny is also starting to use more and more words.
- He's known just about all his colors for a while now and loves to say their names as he colors at his easel. Our favorites are "lellow" and "bwoo." He is now starting to say "go" when we see green lights and "stah" when we get to red lights, all with hand motions!
- He points and counts, and it would appear he is already working on his one to one correspondence. Although, when he began all numbers were "one" just with different inflections. Now, everything is "twooooo" with the same inflections that we would count normally. We're working on holding up two fingers for his birthday next month!
- Recently I caught Vinny reading his Elmo bath book in the tub, turning each page one at a time and pointing to the baby saying "dady" and then on to Elmo saying "Melmo." If he skipped a page he'd say "nooo" and shake his head much like he does when he mismatches his sorting blocks.
I have been waiting for the talking stage to get here for a long time now, and you can imagine that it makes this mommy proud!
Snowed Under
Not us in Surprise, Arizona of course, but in Connecticut! My mom sent me a few pictures from home, and I couldn't help but include them here on the blog to forever document the amount of snow that has fallen this winter. We were fortunate enough to be back there for the first blizzard during the Christmas holiday, and fortunate enough to get to leave it all behind. My poor parents on the other hand became buried under an increasingly thicker blanket of snow.

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